A New Jacket & Horse

I can hear the slow hum of the house breaking apart
And I am trapped
Here thinking of you
Our last conversation you told me you are in love
And I told you I have a partner
But the love was not the same as the boy and his king
Of you and me in room 111
This house has been falling down ever since
Brilliantly, with reason, slowly and wonderfully
I am riding this horse
And it seems I am here with all my old lovers
I am shouting my old nursery songs
To garner some sort of old feeling
I want the waves to grab me, to grab this horse, to wash this house away
Oh set me free!
I will tie myself to the rusty lamp post
As the sirens come and scream my own poetry at me
As the sirens come and cradle me
This house is falling apart in a heavenly apocalypse
Suitably, with feeling
And I am trapped with my own will in my hand
Questioning my past and looking towards old love and friendship
But those old emotions are brightly tearing what I have to pieces
Pulling the horse I have beneath me further into the sea
I do not believe I am truly free
So you are welcome to pull this house apart
You can have the horse that does not exist
I am here in this field burning everything away
Those orange groves are burning, I am sorry
However It is a fine morning
And I have a new jacket and horse
I will ride elsewhere and grow grape vines and rosemary
I will pick flowers and read a new language
I will be drunk and free
Drunk and free


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