ROOM 111

His skin was so soft
So smooth
Though I never surrendered my awareness
A drawn introduction
Became a stammering pause
A stuttering and shuddering frustration
Only quelled with the surprise of his soft skin
This grasp was fused tight
In room one, one, one
The curtains acted as a veil
For they were so thin and transparent
In front of them we were naked
Embracing on the bed
Oblivious to the world behind them
Who in its turn
Was oblivious to us
The world in its early October sun
Revolving around its spring lake
Its capital politics
Its long weekend dinner parties
Its medical abnormalities
We were holy
On that bed
In room one, one, one
And afterwards you left
With plans for India and employment
And afterwards I left
With plans for manuscripts and Africa
And I often wonder
What will become of us and our laughter
And the ghosts of our embraces
That haunt
Room one, one, one


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