
Showing posts from January, 2010

Just One Pair

Your underpants are on the line though you have gone into a different state I've noticed this summer hasn't been too bad- Weather and mood wise The clouds are stopping the winter's mosses from drying out and the frequent rains are helping the butterflies, moths and grasshoppers breed like nothing I have seen since 1984 I have forgotten how the spikes of grass seed itch once embedded in socks and how the flies swarm before and after the warm rains but never during and your underpants are on the line just one pair immersed with and next to mine though I know they are yours they have a sad heaviness to them like your hand when wrapped in mine I only wear them when I have to as they are a little too big and they have your sad aura in their elastic which overcomes me when ever I wear them They are a great metaphor for you ageing, faded and unsupportive I think I would like to throw them out but I know I like using them on odd occasions Like I like phoning you late at night every

On this the 10th day of the year

On this the 10th day of the year my kenyan grey eyes shiver flies circulate one another and I think of Cambodia Coffee, Laksa, Beer Sex, religion, politics Summer heat and lusty glow On this the 10th day of the year On this the 10th day of the year my long legs are emphasised the buses shudder past and I think of skinny dipping Smokes, Gyms, Average spiels Vices, Thoughts, Histories Dwelling dreams and Kissing hopes On this the 10th day of the year