The Road I'm On
The road that I’m on it could make me cry
The mountains are so far, so far
Yet the valleys are so near, so near
And the wind that stirs is the one that blows
My thoughts far beyond my reach
I knew, once, the name of every star
And had a breath saved for each meteor
But now I forget more and more
And am lucky to remember, to remember
That your window is the lowest, the smallest
In the wall that is the skeleton
That holds up the ivy that holds up the vine
Of the grape that ripens in the summer
The sterling silver summer
And I have to pray to the memory
To help me find that lowest of windows
And with no shame I will open, I will open it
I will cut away the knee-high blossoms
I will pull apart the ivy
I will open the window and I know, I know
Here is where I will collide
With the angels with the muses
With the saddest of the comedies
I will lovingly name my road ‘Disaster’
And in the light of day
I will leave that window
I will point at the sky, at the sky
And I will rename those invisible stars. Every star.
And with every breath a meteor will pass
Like the smallest of the butterflies
Who look like moving flowers
And paint the canvas of my road
A little brighter, brighter
Do I decide that disaster isn’t too bad?
Or happily grow like ivy on the outside
Of the smallest window
That leads into beautiful chaos
And paints with unknown colours?
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