
We walked out of the cafe
Like two soldiers gone AWOL
Leaving the bordello
The world miles from our shoulders
You asked me what my favourite word was
I told you 'Triumph'- off the top of my head
You asked why
I said I like the way the word rises and falls
Like a man breathing before he awakes
Or an army that takes over the world before it crumbles
For each man triumphs and then decays
Rises and Falls
Like a man breathing before he dies
The two syllables are forever together
And forever in the bonds of hate
Repulsed by the others state, their beauty, their ugliness
Forever on the lips of men who believe they can grasp the word
In the palms of their hardened hands
You and I shall both triumph
As well as, I suppose, we can
And then we shall watch as our love decays
And fight to be the last survivor
Waving to the shore for help...

I then asked you your favourite word
It was 'Wall-flower'...


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