New York, I'm Going...

New York, I am going, to love you
I am leaving these pavements for yours
To wear holes in my shoes and smell the sweat
That runs from your curbs your architecture
I am going to be one of the numberless lovers
To look around and up at your sharp chin
Within your starless night where the light fades fairytales
I am going to chalk my own body’s outline on your parks central point
Feel the cannibal shudder of your resources
Tear at the leaves and cigar ends of your business district
Until the summer window has fogged
Until I thicken body’s warmth with coffee and leather jacket
I am going to punch your hardened face
To see if you still bleed
To see if I can get past the dealerships and developments
I am going to feel your groin
To see if you still grow hard
To see if you can still thrust forward with the enthusiasm of nature
New York, I am leaving, to love you
To eat whatever it is you put before me
To wince at the cane that you use to raise your children
The children who change the world as often as their minds
Who speak the languages of Babel and breathe the air with scarred lungs
I want to lose my face amongst theirs
To lose my identity down the back of seat in a yellow taxi
I will fall in love in your cafes
Get fucked against the wall in your club toilets
Get held up by an immigrant by knifepoint
I will feel his erection against me as he takes my last dollar
I will tell him I love him
I will write on the seat of a subway train
‘I love you, the immigrant who mugged me…’
New York, I’m going to love you.
The insane situation of your state
The geraniums that grow from high hanging pots
Over blessed children who have historic minds
The staircases, the stoops, the climbing cats that scream
Your pink handshake of accent
Your naked vision of beauty down by the quarry
It’s a lust that is betrayed by love
A love that will last as long we do
Should I walk to you, should I fly to you?
Should I marry my thoughts with your actions and create days of new heroes?
Your children, your lovers, your victims
Here is the wine salutation
Here is the holy salvation
New York, you will be mine, and I am going, going to love you


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