Oh Sweet Cum

Take the thunder’s roll from the hand
And feed it to the memory of your youth
Frame what thoughts you must
And paste paper over any history you like
Isn’t this the summer that you will die?
Isn’t this the January in which the crown is mine?
Isn’t this the morning that you shake hands
With a man called Whitman
What dream did you design for him?
You, the engineer of oily fantasy
Isn’t this the hour of the wild 80’s leather beast?
Isn’t this the time of the Rimbaud profiteer?
Ha! Sweet profiteer
O, sweet summer, you who will chase the fields and streams
You who will caress willow leaf and wetted limb
Drying naked flesh, wilting springs glowing flower
Spring, like yesterday we do not care for
Only you, sweet summer, who slowly meanders along the road, smiling at the boys and shining on their beauty
The movie it ends
The poem it never does, it intrigues me
And it spins me
Like a 1950’s dance
Like the world
All I asked for was a lover
And I was given a whole shelf
I stare out at the world
My own symphony quietly playing in the corner
The world whom never stares back
Although it has a feeling someone is watching
With a Lorca book in one hand
And possibly his cock in the other
The poem it never ends
Like the production of sperm and lust
It goes on forever
The urge for grand words, great words, words of fucking,
Words of lusting, Words of the ancients, words of history, words of the ocean, bang, smash, slam, grunt, The ocean it grunts as it blows its load onto the shore!
Oh this is the night that all is spilled, all is drawn back, and it starts again
This, is just another night in the world of poetry
My patience it wears thin
How long can you believe in a song that you have never heard?
Until you write it
So the old mountains wear away
And the new ones are raised
We carve our names onto the stones and hope we are remembered
But in the end it all comes down to the expanding words
The universe that chews itself up from the inside out
And then expands from the outside in
Like any good new romantic should
Like we do, sweetly, heavenly


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