My Friends Are Villains

I've done so much, gone so far
Like a cloud born from the sea
To fade against the sandy horizon
I've been dizzy with love
And fallen with loss
I've been shaking with hate
And stumbled with fury
And all my old friends- some are here, some have gone
I can not see indignity in anyone's behaviour
I have songs in my heart
And an artists scope in my mind
Tho who will hear? and who will see?
Who will inherit them now?

I can see into the noise
I can hear the vision of the artist
And I want to scrape away the edges
I don't know where I am
Or who I am following
Are my friends the villains 
Who I see in those old movies
Who dance the tango
Across the floor 
With the light shining in their eyes
I can see the shadows
I can hear the band playing in the corner
And I want to taste their music
I want to smell the breath
Of the singer as he leans against the stand
I don't know where I belong
Or who I should follow 
All my friends are dancing
Out there upon the floor
Looking into the eyes of men
As the fire's smoke engulfs the room 

As I climb up the hill, the trees are all green once more
They have seen so many fires that the only scarring is on the ground
A pile of window frames lie there, the glass all amongst them
I lie upon the path trying not to cut my hands or break more shards
The cost of this high, the emotions will be new
Hills can be steep and hills can be mere mounds
And time passes as we walk them, tho walk them we have to
I've been dizzy with love
And fallen with loss
I've been shaking with hate
And stumbled with fury
And here upon the ground amongst the shards of molten glass
I can softly hear a band playing in a corner
With the light shining off their instruments
And all my friends are there dancing
Out there upon the floor
Looking into the eyes of men
As the flames engulf their hearts


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