Next To Saint Sebastian

You look down
and never look to the sky again
The gutter holds more interest
Than the stars ever will
You can step on the cracks
And let yourself fall
Into the canyons, grandiose and pleasing to the eye
Falling is like flying
Only you know its going to hurt when you land 
So you have to land on someone who has wings
You become the angel's parasite
They are forced to be your guardian angel
But as soon as you get close enough to the ground
You let go
And you run
Because conversation with an angel 
Is like conversation with a beautiful person
Very, very boring
So you run, and you hide
In, perhaps, a doorway
Lighting a cigarette as you catch your breath
And you look as the Angel circles the sky looking for you
And you inhale the cigarette smoke
As you flick the collar of your shirt up
And you look at the door that you are leaning against
Someone has carved 'Waken your weapon, Waken your steps' in the wood
You think about this and exhale
The angel has gone so you walk onto the street
You have fallen deep into the gutter's crack
So this aint no normal day
You see poets cutting off their hands
They refuse to write another word
You see whores sewing on the hands to their thighs
Anything to get more business
You see William Burroughs buying a mongrel dog
He still has his hands 'cause he needs them to catch the monster
The monster living in his new mongrel dog
You walk on, folding your collar back down
Somebody calls your name, you look, it is King Saul tho you don't know him
He knows you because he is wise- wiser than most give him credit for
Very wise
He is selling fire crackers and old songs from the age of Arab slave traders
You buy one and sing the words to your self
Its not very good but you will keep it as a souvenir 
The cigarette has finished so you flick it to the side of the pavement
But it goes into a bag of coffee beans
The merchant sees and runs out
He runs out and yells something
The lyrics to the song you just bought, you realise its a two part harmony
So you sing along
It sounds better but still, not worth what you paid
You have to buy the sack of beans
You stick your hand in the sack and it reminds you of masturbating 
You don't know why
As you walk along the road you throw a single bean out for each step
Someone behind you asks you why you are doing it
You turn, it is a prostitute, a thigh-hand is full of coffee beans
You tell her because you are masturbating
She winks and you rip her thigh hand off and slap her with it
Cavafy marches over picks up his hand with his hook and thanks you
He wishes to take up poetry once more
He offers you a coffee 
You decline, he shrugs, slaps you with his hook and walks off
You can feel yourself grow hungry
You walk to a cafe and sit down, you order bread and soup
The waitress who looks like the only girl you have ever loved delivers
When you have finished you ask for your bill
So she ties you to a tree
Next to Saint Sebastian
She calls over the only girl she has ever loved
And you are shot full of arrows
You watch as the arrows and the soup runs together and then on to the ground
You look up to the sky with the face of a martyr
And then your angel comes
He goes through your pockets takes a cigarette, lights it, and looks you in the eyes
He unties you throws you over his shoulder and takes you home
He doesn't stay to talk because he hates talking to the wingless


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