Essence Of Fever

The west it is brawn
A trail of magnificent leaves
Pebbles to kick
Water flows as silent as the night
Kicking music to start
Where can the children have gone?
Traps and guns adorn the wall
Beer is on the breath
Fog breaks against the glass
Dark moon risen over trees
Memory shifts the lock
Waking up the rain
The soil is too heavy for the cloud
A thousand years before the match to strike
The wood is split
Lonely noises against the cover
Kerosene essence to light
From the mirror up through the hole in the roof
Natural remedies scenting
Birds to marvel at the scene
There is nothing asleep
Every dawn is the first
Every noise is known
Restless joy from the river
Sucking on the water pebbles
Mud cakes in every pore
Spiders gradually dance themselves to sleep
The leaves become the trees
Dust is the bandage
The fruit falls on the roof
Blossom hides in fate
The west it is brawn
Shadows burn against the time
Essence of fever exists 
The present lasts forever
Water soaks into the silence
Dryness in between the checkered sheets
Frogs are evolve with noise
And crickets know their weaknesses
Shoes become the bulldozers
And scores are settled with bracken
The day is when light is everywhere
And night is when the stars are reflected
In water, on skin and eyes


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