Totally Brilliant
Totally brilliant
The way your face is
Washed off from
To the city, to the
To the bugs that land
on and amongst
The hairs
on your naked arm
It is a wonder of the
Your face
How it is the curtain
of oblivion
When men dressed in
With fine weaves and
finer seams
Look at you as your
hand hangs
Down like the
unappreciated attachment
In a renaissance
portrait of a boy
Of a lady
Of a man
With eyes that tell no
That these men could
bother to relate to
Yet they stare at you
And they want to be
apart of yours
If only for one night
To feel that hand
Resting on the hairs
That bend out of their
Like reeds from muddy
Your eyes watch your
As it passes the other
A mirror walking in
front of the other
And you wonder how so
many rocks
Can be found
To make up all the
roads and pavements
While your face stares
As calm as a bay
before the seagulls rise
And with those sleeves
rolled up
Those hands in your
The wind rips around
your arms
The trees bend towards
Nature wants to be
with you
The grass grows higher
If only to get a
better look at you
While the tide crawls
And eats the sand
Knowing you are
somewhere upon the shore
The more earth the
ocean eats
The closer she will
get to you
Yet you remain looking
Your face that of a
living statue
Yet you are able to
show emotion
And although you are
not slow witted
You do not think of
all these things
You think of the rocks
and how they got there
The clouds
And how high they are
But rocks, like you,
are oblivious to beauty
And clouds are too
narcissistic to care for the beauty of others
So you find yourself
But alone
A happy, innocent and
beautiful wonder of the world
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