
Floorboards and soft voices telling me stories of final caresses
Violins that speak in code, tapping into nerves and distracting evolution
Peeling lip, stretching limb, cramping neck- no romance here
Someone must know where Paradise meets the wave

En el borde del paraĆ­so
Donde la onda persigue noche
El horizonte atrapa dia
Alguien debe saber

Agressive winds that tell of authors who have fallen from favour
Champaign poured into the pockets of the elderly men who read Lorca
Those men who while young bathed in the water that had encircled hardened joy
I can smell the bleach, I can hear the taxis, where is Paradise?

En el borde del Paraiso
Donde la onda persigue noche
El Horizonte atrapa dia
Alguien debe saber


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